Sunday, May 31, 2015

#Rhizo15 / The Humanistic Devotion

In the New York Times Sunday Review there was an interesting article on one of my hot topic issues, atheism. As someone who considers atheism and humanism the only path of understanding our lives, I feel that sometimes, the rhizome learning style is made for nomads, made for people who want proof not a philosophy. Reading that article and opening with the idea of meeting on Sunday with people leading a lecture series is interesting to me. Why Sunday? Why at all. Rhizo15 and the concept of nomadic learning, finding your own way, and taking ownership of your vision knowledge is autonomy and self-reliance made real. I agree with the article that we shouldn't be a political social group that goes after other religions and faiths, but finds common ground with them. I am not opposed to going to church. All of the churches I've been to have been very kind and open to my attendance. 

It brought me back to the series of essays I wrote a few years ago and had one published based on literature and religion have areas of overlap which are intriguing and complex. In my study of literature and the art of fiction, it is no surprise that the stories in the bible and the complexities of religious language feels something like good storytelling. I understand the issue with calling the bible fiction, but it should and is often examined with the same tools and understanding that any book or piece of world literature would be considered. Hence the beauty of thinking about these stories on their face value, and as allegory and metaphors of understanding. 

So, what is my point. My point is that religion for me is like everything else in my world of learning and inquiry. However, it also comes preloaded with political and social contexts and conditions that one had to be understanding and sometimes careful with. My faith is in us, and we have all contributed to this understanding of the world. And that is powerful and enlightening in and of itself. I might move back into that series. And talk openly why and how I think we should value a discussion about religious stories, how they are told, and why they are important. And if readers want to find divinity in those ideas, that is their choice. And I will be looking at the humanistic perspective of how we continue to define our purpose and our thinking. 

If anyone has like-minded projects, read books, or just has an opinion on this topic, I would love to hear your ideas and work. I am happy to share some of the other writings that have come from this idea. Be well. Long live #rhizo15! (until #Rhizo16). 

“There are two types of people in this world. Those who want to know and those who want to believe” – F. Nietzsche


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